How do you say "Rainbow" in Japanese??

It's not easy to retain vocabulary and expressions when studying a language, and it's challenging to get words out on the spot when you're having conversations. I hope these weekly posts could be good practice for your Japanese studies!!

The question for today is: How do you say "Rainbowin Japanese??  

The answer is...

虹 [Niji]

The origin of the word

虫 [mushi] is the kanji for insects.

For example, 

蝶々 [Chouchou] is a butterfly in Japanese

蜂 [Hachi] is a bee in Japanese

And it may be confusing as to why  has "" in it. 

The reason why 虹 [Niji] has the insect kanji in it is because snakes used to be considered an insect. According to old Chinese myths, snakes become dragons after a certain period in their lives, and when they fly through the skies, they are said to create rainbows. Although this is just a theory on the origin of rainbows, many people believe this is where the name 虹 [Niji] comes from. 

Writer's note: I suppose they can look like little worms sometimes, but I don't think I would ever consider huge snakes an insect. I guess Japan simply never had huge snakes and people just went with it. weird.